Dienstag, 21. Juli 2015

Sometimes you have to break to realise the beauty inside of you.
Sometimes you have to break to believe in yourself.
Sometimes you have to break to remember that you´re special
that you´re important
that you´re loved. 

Sometimes we break.
Sometimes we despair. 
Sometimes we fall
and sometimes we fly. 

But you can build something wonderful out of every broken piece
out of yourself. 
You can make yourself
to someone better than you were before.

Sometimes we have to break to realise the beauty inside of us.
Sometimes we have to break to believe in ourselves. 
Sometimes we have to break to remember that we´re special
that we´re important.
that we´re loved. 

So don´t give up
when you look to the broken pieces where once were your heart. 
Never give up
when you see that you are broken.
Never ever give up
and believe in yourself.

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